
Privacy Policy

This statement applies to the BridgeTrack® Product site.

Privacy Promise for Customers

While providing real-time online performance metrics is the cornerstone of our business, our most important asset is our customers' trust. Keeping customer information secure, and using it only as our customers would want us to, is a top priority for all of us at Sapient. Here then, is our promise to our individual customers:

  1. We will safeguard, according to strict standards of security and confidentiality, any information our customers share with us.
  2. We will limit the collection and use of customer information to the minimum we require to deliver superior service to our customers, and to administer our business.
  3. We will permit only authorized employees, who are trained in the proper handling of customer information, to have access to that information. Employees who violate our Privacy Promise will be subject to our normal disciplinary process.
  4. We will not reveal customer information to any external organization unless we have previously informed the customer in disclosures or agreements, have been authorized by the customer, or are required by law.
  5. We will always maintain control over the confidentiality of our customer information.
  6. We tell customers in plain language initially, and at least once annually, how they may remove their names from marketing lists. At any time, customers can contact us at the above contact information to remove their names from such lists.
  7. Whenever we hire other organizations to provide support services, we will require them to conform to our privacy standards and to allow us to audit them for compliance.
  8. We will continuously assess ourselves to ensure that customer privacy is respected. We will conduct our business in a manner that fulfills our Promise in the many nations in which we do business


We use cookies to record session information and record user-specific information on what pages users access or visit.

In order to provide better service or to address security hazards, we will occasionally use a "cookie". A cookie is a small piece of information which a Web site stores on your Web browser on your PC and can later retrieve. The cookie cannot be read by a Web site other than the one that set the cookie. Most cookies last only through a single session, or visit to our site. None will contain information that will enable anyone to contact you via telephone, e-mail, or any other means. You can set up your Web browser to inform you when cookies are set or to prevent cookies from being set.


We always use industry-standard encryption technologies when transferring and receiving consumer data exchanged with our site, We have appropriate security measures in place in our physical facilities to protect against the loss, misuse or alteration of information that we have collected from you at our site.


If you'd rather not receive email updates, you can delete your name from our email marketing list by clicking on the link provided within an email update that you may have received from us.

Contacting Us

Please direct questions to or send mail to:
Sapient Corp.
c/o BridgeTrack
2911 Grand Ave., Suite 100
Coconut Grove, FL 33133